Strategic Planning for Financial Advisors

Distance improves your view when strategic planning

I just got back after spending a week in Mexico and one thing became clear to me, creating space between you and your business can be the best thing for it.  That space, or distance can provide a level of clarity that you don’t have on a day to day basis.

To clarify this point, I want you to try the following exercise… pick a wall somewhere new you.  Facing the wall get as close to it as possible, have your toes touch the wall – what do you see?  You’ll find that you can’t see much as your vision becomes blurry that close.  Now, take two strides backward.  What do you see now?  Perhaps you can begin to see some of the fine detail of the portion of the wall that your limited peripheral vision will allow.  Next, stand about 10 feet from the wall – what do you see?  You will notice that you begin to see the dimension of the wall, as well as how the wall fits the room and maybe even the room dimensions.

Imagine you were standing outside the room looking in, you would be able to see most of what was in the room.

As you continue to step back and create more space between you and the object, the more perspective you gain.  The same goes for your financial advisor practice.

Most of us are afraid to spend any time away from our businesses for fear that we may lose money or that things may fall apart in our absence.  However, overtime your ‘vision’ for the business will become impaired because you are so close to it.  Spending time away from your business can help give you a fresher perspective and even give you new ideas that can help overcome a rut or plateau you have hit.

Besides, there is nothing like a couple of margaritas to help reinvigorate your energy for your business.  Salud!

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